Home World Anatolij Karpov, a former world chess champion (and Putin ally) is in a coma. ‘attacked’

Anatolij Karpov, a former world chess champion (and Putin ally) is in a coma. ‘attacked’

Anatolij Karpov, a former world chess champion (and Putin ally) is in a coma.  ‘attacked’

Anatolij Karpov, the former world chess champion is in an induced coma after being found unconscious near Douma, possibly drunk, at least according to what has been learned from some Telgram channels. Instead, sources in Moscow reported that Karpov was the victim of a domestic accident. The 71-year-old is currently a member of the State Duma and United Russia Party by Vladimir Putin.

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Anatolij KarpovToo loyal to Putin in a coma: the story

Her daughter, Sofia, explained that Karpov had suffered a head trauma after she had a domestic accident. The 71-year-old, one of the greatest chess players in history, is the undisputed world champion for 10 consecutive years (1975-1985) in an induced coma in the intensive care unit of the Neurological Department of Sklifosovski Hospital in Moscow.

In the past few hours, various theories have emerged about what could actually happen to him. Through several Telegram groups and some web pages, information was leaked that Karpov was found unconscious near Douma last weekend, that he had a head injury, a broken thigh, as well as being in a state of severe poisoning. Obviously, official sources in Moscow denied this theory.

However, shortly before October 31, Andrei Kovalev, head of the Russian Entrepreneurs Movement, announced on Telegram that Karpov was hospitalized “in intensive care after an attack by strangers” and remained “in a medicinal coma”. Karpov’s assistant, Albert Stepanyan, denied this reconstruction in an interview with TASS. The Russian RIA Nóvosti agency, citing hospital sources in which the former world chess champion was hospitalized, stated that Karpov was in a very serious condition and that only an induced coma would prevent him from dying.

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