Sulmona – The dinner party to present the calendar was a huge success. Immersed in the magic of the history and art of the Palazzo dell’Annunziata in Sulmona, a national monument and the Pearl of Abruzzo, the Presidents of the Societies of Excellence were the guests of honor of the President of the Regional LND, Ezio Memmoand the Board of Directors of the Committee, for the gala dinner that kicked off the regional football top league, with the traditional presentation of the 2022/2023 seasonal calendar.
“From this wonderful place in our region, which represents our pride and evokes a sense of belonging, just as we do with football: we represent, with our clubs, our territory‘,” President Ezio Mimo said at the opening of the evening, during a live broadcast by the announcer Super Gholder of exclusive TV rights to the championship
Excellence. “We are standing up for social cohesion and protecting health, as we made clear during the COVID emergency – Memmo added in his speech -. We are a tool for social integration and civic growth. We are working to make our world more and more open to women. Our football must increasingly become a means of promoting territory, an opportunity to bring society, the economy and institutions closer together and collaborate. It is important that sports do that, and we will do that through our football. Promoting sports culture is a huge opportunity to group and develop regions, which is why sports facilities, strategies and synergies in the world of football and business are fundamental. In order to grow you need a vision, the union of energies, to build the present and future of our football with a reliable project. Who can accomplish all this? The man, in our case the boss, is a visionary who is able to bring people together around his ideas and projectsIn the center, we need to re-engineer the plant:Our fields, places where our youth must grow up and become athletic, often become dangerous, sometimes deadly places. Today we talk about sports for everyone, but it is impossible if the greatest possible safety is not ensured. For athletes who reach the top, but above all for those who will never get there, but will practice for an active and correct lifestyle. We will have to work hard to stay close even to those less fortunate. We still only invest in sporting events, but we should think about the thousands of girls and boys who exercise every day. We must take measures to ensure the health of everyone who wants to play football. All of us, in mutual respect, let’s enjoy this new season.” Reforming tournaments is the great goal of President Mimo: “We have to change the system, before the system changes us. and overwhelm us. The reform of the leagues, with the downsizing of teams, starting with Serie A, going through C Elite and D Elite, is an essential step for the sustainability of Italian professional football. We have 100 clubs in professionals, with a reform that will reach 58. We must also work on reform at the regional level, and we will do so with maximum participation and transparency with a special council to reform the leagues that will form in the coming days. We will consider regions and professionalism, in a path that is always sharedBefore revealing the path of the 18 companies in the tournament that will kick off on September 4, the regional committee took advantage of the official context of the Palazzo dell’Annunziata to celebrate three companies distinguished last season: L’Aquila, winner of the regional qualifications for the 2021/2022 championship, the Giulianova Prize, and the Prize Youth Promotion, Sambuceto Award, Discipline.
Al Tamayuz Championship 2022/2023 numbers:
- Day 1, September 4, 3 p.m.;
- 34, April 16, 2023, 3 p.m.;
- last day, 11 December;
- Midweek shifts: November 1, 10th day; December 8, 16th day;
- Christmas holiday from December 22 to January 8;
- Competition dates: from 4 September at 3 pm; From November 1 at 2.30 pm; From January 22 at 3 pm.
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