Home sport Alps HL, Renon passes in the quarterfinals after 5:1 against Cortina. Girdina is eliminated in Slovenia. From March 26, semi-finals – FISG

Alps HL, Renon passes in the quarterfinals after 5:1 against Cortina. Girdina is eliminated in Slovenia. From March 26, semi-finals – FISG

Alps HL, Renon passes in the quarterfinals after 5:1 against Cortina.  Girdina is eliminated in Slovenia.  From March 26, semi-finals – FISG

Jesenice managed to beat Gherdeina by 2:1 and only 78 seconds from the third siren after Svetina’s powerful goal. The ogres come out of the neighborhoods with their heads very high as they showed. After two low-score games, Renon, with an increased match, beats Cortina in a 5:1 ratio bringing Collalbo to the semi-finals. Lustenau 3:1 beat Zell am See and for the first time in the entire Austrian series the house factor is respected. From March 26, the semi-finals where the top four of the main round are seeded. Asiago, who already finished matches against Vipitino last Saturday, will find Lustenau while Jesenis will always face Renon in the top five.

A big heart is not enough. Gerdina loses the decisive match 5 of the quarter-finals to 1: 2 in Jesenice. The Ladins suffer the decisive goal from Erik Svetina, in powerplay, 72 seconds from the third siren after a match that was well explained by the Furies who came out of Slovenia with their heads held high for what they showed not only this evening but in general. series. After the first half at 0:0, Erik Svetina (2 goals) opened the lowest score in the second half but Korhonen equalized Gerdina in the most difficult moment of the confrontation when Furlong kept the visitors afloat. Then the final time around after a few moments of extra time. Jesenice is the only squad since the founding of the Alps Hockey League that has always qualified for the playoff semi-finals but never made it to the AHL Final. In the semifinals, he will challenge Jesenice Renon.

After winning 4:2 at home in the Branives, Girdina led the quarterfinals to the decisive 5 match against Gisenis who, as second in the main round, would be able to capitalize on the final at home. The Furies couldn’t have Baratone, Castleter, Knocker, and Messner.

The first period to start immediately with Jessenis decided to put pressure on Gardena’s backguard, to the point of taking the lead with a result that was canceled by the quadruple referee. However, Gerdina defends well when he finds himself with one less player (on two occasions initially) on the ice, also thanks to Furlong who is immediately able to work effectively against the Slovenian attackers. However, the guests play openly, and the competition develops with long phases of equilibrium where little or nothing happens. In the second half of the time, Gerdina comes out of the closet and touches the feature on Gluck’s initiative ending slightly outside. The Gardena system is effective against attempts by the hosts, whose actions reach the neutral zone and then turn into errors of measurement in the offensive approach. When Jesenice breaks the wall in the middle of the track, Furlong takes care of fixing things, awarding important changes to his teammates by blocking the disc to avoid problems in front of his place. In the final, the Slovenes are persistently looking for a way to the net but there is little accuracy and the first part of the match ends in a 0-0 draw.

In the second half, Gerdina starts much better than the opponents and manages to keep the game balanced. On the 26th there was also an initial outrun of the Ladins but this turns into a nightmare. The home team’s top scorer, in inferiority, controls the good ball and shoots a no-fault Eric Sventina against Furlong. After that ‘cold shower’, Gerdina felt the blow as the Red Steelers came close to a second goal. Just at the worst moment, McGowan’s big play arrives and picks up a disc at the third moment and Korhonen suddenly throws it away. The Finn, with Olympic calm, starts the counterattack, sits on the farthest of Froberg and deposits the 1:1 mark (35 minutes) on the net. The tie remained until the second siren.

In the third game we play full length with discs that weigh like rocks. As the minutes pass, Furlong, who was already superior during the match, outdoes himself by putting an end to the offensive storms in the Balkans that speed up time even if Gerdina is always snappy with his counter-attacks especially with a sharper front line. When Furlong tackles three times in a row, one feels that no disc can get past the Laden Gate. Alternatively, the penalty kick at 57:14 allows for a solid performance by the Slovenes: Erik Svetina is still decisive, with a shot into the pass pit Furlong (58:48). Gerdina tries the last attack and in 5 seconds there is also a chance to hope, but it is Gisenis who reaches the semi-finals after a long streak, very different from last year (always in the quarter-finals) when the East European side beat Girdina by themselves. 3: 0 in the series.

Renon wins his third consecutive quarter-final match, with a convincing score of 5:1, and completes a comeback against Cortina. In the decisive challenge, Buams closed out the practice in the third inning thanks to two goals from Simon Kostner. Now, from Saturday, Team Collalbo will challenge Jesenice with the Slovenian track advantage.

After Match 2: 0 away from home in Race 4 by Buams, there is the final quarter-final act of the match between Renon and Cortina. The hosts can’t play McGregor Sharp, as well as injured historian Alex Fry while Ambizan is always without Moser, Cole and Riccardo Lacidelli.

Both teams started publicly. A few seconds later, Osborne clashed with De Filippo, while Johansson and Sana tested Smith’s quick reaction on the other side. In the fifth minute, Julian Costner could not take a good chance. Shortly thereafter, the home team was able to cheer when Manuel Oller scored a puck ball, set off in a solo breakout and managed to put Blue and Red ahead. Cortina’s response was immediate, but Renon defended himself well, especially at Finucci’s initiative.

Great start for South Tyrol who after 41 seconds found double Jari Sailio who once again proved the Buam bomber. For the Ampezzo players, the goal was a wake-up call. biancocelesti has changed gear. Shortly before the 25th, Kaskinen, during a postponed penalty, unfavorable half. For Cortina, the series’ first goal was after 163 minutes of fasting. Then, the Venice guests came close to a tie, as happened in Basaraba’s attempt, but Renon was on the piece. In the end, the second half ended in 2:1 for the hosts who touched a tie at the end of the match.

The latter period also began with the highlight of Ritten. De Filippo couldn’t block Sailio’s shot and captain Simon Kostner made it 3:1 after just 24 seconds of play. Cortina now had to act more offensively, naturally making room for the home team’s counter-attacks. Pechlaner missed a promising one mid-late term. But Renon cleverly defended the two-goal advantage, accepting little. With three and a half minutes to go, Cortina’s coach Machaca removed the goalkeeper from the ice for the sixth player on the field. To make matters worse, Lutz had to go to the bench. But the host team dealt with this pressure when Simon Costner intercepted the ball and scored in the empty net (57.12). With four seconds remaining, Spinell scored 5:1 in poweplay for an earlier opponents penalty kick.

Alpine Hockey League | 03/24/2022 | Quarter-final 5:
EHC Lustenau – EK Die Zeller Eisbären 3:1 (1:0.2:0.0:1)
Referees: LAZZERI, RUETZ, Eisl, Fleischmann.
Objectives 1: 0 EHC Giftopoulos R. (07:43 / Häußle S., Puschnik K. / EQ), 2: 0 EHC Haberl L. (23:23 / Slivnik D., Wüstner R. / EQ), 3: 0 EHC D’Alvise C. (39:19 / Giftopoulos R., Häußle S. / PP), 3:1 EKZ Ban D. (59:20 / Rajala J., Schernthaner J. / SH)
Lustenau wins Best of Five quarter-finals: 3:2

HDD SIJ Acroni Jesenice – HC Gherdeina valgardena.it 2:1 (0:0,1:1,1:0)
Referees: BAJT, Holzer T., Kainberger, Wimmler.
Objectives 1: 0 JES Svetina E. (27:27 / Pance E. / SH), 1: 1 GHE Korhonen V. (35:32 / MC GOWAN B. / EQ), 2: 1 JES Svetina E. (58: 48 / Sotlar J., Logar M. / PP)
Jessenis wins Best of Five quarter-finals: 3:2

Rittner Boam – SG Cortina Havero 5:1 (1:0,1:1,3:0)
Referees: REZEK, Schauer, Arlic, Puff.
Objectives 1: 0 RIT Öhler M. (07:28 / unassisted / EQ), 2: 0 RIT Sailio J. (20:41 / Pechlaner P., Spinell M. / EQ), 2: 1 SGC Kaskinen O. ( 24 : 57 / unassisted / EQ), 3: 1 RIT Kostner S. (40:24 / Sailio J., Kostner J. / EQ), 4: 1 RIT Kostner S. (57:12 / Osburn Z. / SH) , 5:1 RIT Spinell M. (59:56 / Kostner S., Lutz A. / PP)
Renon wins “Top Five” Quarter: 3:2

Migross Asiago, already on Saturday has qualified for the semi-finals after 3:0 in the series against Wipptal


Migros Asiago (1st) – EHC Lustenau (4th)

SIJ Jesenice hard drive (2nd) – Rittner Boam (3rd place)

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