Home Top News Alpine Skiing Canada Owns 2022 Junior World Cup Team Event, Italy Missed the Stage – OA Sport

Alpine Skiing Canada Owns 2022 Junior World Cup Team Event, Italy Missed the Stage – OA Sport

Alpine Skiing Canada Owns 2022 Junior World Cup Team Event, Italy Missed the Stage – OA Sport

Landowner of Canada Won the group event of the 2022 Junior Alpine Skiing World ChampionshipsTakes place in Panorama, British Columbia. Italy (Beatrice Sola, Filippo della White, Annette Belfrand and Giannlorenzo di Paulo) It was stopped in the quarterfinals and eliminated by the hosts, despite the 2-2 final, due to a time difference.

Italy beat Slovakia 4-0 in the 16th round. And so on In the quarterfinals the Assyrians battled with the hosts of Canada. Beatrice Sola does not shut down her heat, the first point goes to Cassidy Greece. In the second round, Filippo Della White defeated Etienne Machelli 1-1. Annette Belfrand then lost to Justin Lamandek 1-2. In the decisive challenge Gian Lorenzo de Paolo took advantage of Rafael Lessard’s fall to make it 2-2, but Canada advanced only 8 cents on time.

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Other pairs pass to Austria (over Finland), Switzerland (against Norway) and the United States (over Sweden). First Austria beat Switzerland 4-0 in the semifinals, with the United States having the worst performance against Canada in the second match. For a time difference after 2-2.

Switzerland beat the United States 2-2 in the final for the bronze medal. Rewards Canada’s hosts, who beat Austria 3-1 in the final for the gold medal.

Photo: Lapresse


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