Toronto \ Ice \ – “Canada’s demand for immigrants is increasing: last year it welcomed more than 405,000 new permanent residents, the largest in a single year in the country’s history. But millions of vacancies in all sectors are still waiting to be filled. In fact, immigration already represents almost 100% of labor growth and 5 million Canadians will retire by the end of this decade: so there is a strong economic demand for more immigration. So writes Marcio Bellu On “Canadian Courier”The newspaper headed to Toronto Francesco Veronese.
“Thus, the federal government is covering up and introducing a plan for resettlement levels 2022-2024 that will pave the way for an ambitious but responsible path to immigration” – the government itself explains in a note – which will help revive the Canadian economy and fill the vacancy. – Epidemic development strengthens immigrant communities and businesses across the country.
The Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Hon. Sean Fraser presented the plan on Monday.
“Immigration – Minister – helped shape Canada into what it is today. From agriculture and fisheries to manufacturing, health and transportation, Canada’s relied on immigrants. The organization will help bring in immeasurable contributions from immigrants to all sectors of our communities and economy.
So let’s see what the program offers.
The 2022-2024 Immigration Levels Plan aims to continue to welcome immigrants, who make up about 1% of the Canadian population, including 431,645 permanent, to ensure Canada has the workers needed to fill key labor market gaps and support a strong economy in the future. Residents in 2022, 447,055 in 2023, and 451,000 in 2024. This plan is based on the previous plan, with a greater focus on supporting our economic recovery and post-growth growth.
The government aims to increase the attraction and loyalty of newcomers to regions with severe economic, employment and demographic challenges.
This will increase French-speaking immigration outside Quebec, while also supporting the integration of French-speaking newcomers and strengthening French-speaking communities across the country. “As part of our French-speaking immigration strategy, we are working to reach the target of 4.4% of French-speaking immigrants outside Quebec by 2023,” the government note said.
Highlights of the program are: Total enrollments by 2024 1.14% of the Canadian population; Long-term focus on economic growth, with nearly 60% enrollments in the economy class; Assistance to vulnerable people, such as special measures to provide permanent residence for refugees working in the health sector during epidemics; Support for global crises by providing safe havens through humanitarian resettlement for those facing persecution; Retaining the skills of those already in Canada by granting permanent status to temporary residents who have been accepted through the timeline paths for essential workers that began in the spring of 2021. In addition, the program recognizes the importance of family reunification and helps maintain 12. Monthly processing standard for wife and children.
Finally, Canada remains committed to its global humanitarian obligations, including plans to resettle at least 40,000 Afghan civilians over the next 2 years. Today, more than 7,550 Afghan refugees are now grateful to Canada for its efforts. “Working with allies in the region – reads Government Note – We use all available roads to ensure safe passage for those in Afghanistan”. (Ice)