In the Castel Visconteo and in the square of the Museo Casorella, in partnership with the City of Locarno, Visarte Ticino will open Spazio Collective Statements on Saturday 24 June at 5 pm, a selection of contemporary sculptures and installations produced by old and new members.
It involves 26 female and male artists with 28 works, 10 of which are distributed in the courtyards of the two museums and 18 are arranged along a labyrinthine path inside the magnificent Visconti Castle.
Participating artists are, in alphabetical order: Brigitte Allenbach-Statebacker, Theo Bailer, Fiorenza Pasetti (one of them works in collaboration with Piero Zini), Susanna J. Baumgartner, Marisa Casellini, Umberto Cavenago, Fabiola Di Fulvio and Tobias Hoppe, Nino Doborginidze, Alex Dorici, Karim Forlin , Nelly Frye, Patricia Jacomella Bonola, Christine Levart, Steve Luthi, Maddalena Mora, Pascal Maurer, Rosita Beverelli, Gianni Buretti, Marco Prati, Gerda Ritzmann, Ivo Soldini, Antonio Tapet, Giuliano Togni, Hanspeter Wiesby and Flavia Zanetti. This selection presents a heterogeneous panorama in terms of techniques, materials, and languages, just as the many artists who are members of Visarte differ from one another, by age, region, and artistic and cultural references.
The exhibition title Spazio Dato has various reasons. She wants it to be an homage to the unifying tradition of sculpture to position itself in space and use it in various forms. Artists, men and women curators select works specifically for the gallery space, some are created specifically, some cannot be re-posed elsewhere and can only be re-posed through photos and videos (often the case for land art, for example ).
Today, more than in the past, sculpture makes use of space, sometimes redefining its concept and orthogonal structure. Specifically, the two courtyards and rooms of the castle made available by the grand opening of the Cultural Services of the City of Locarno – for which we sincerely thank – prompted the title of the exhibition.
We also thank Tognetti Auto for the continued support of culture in the region, Susinno Design for graphics and Fontana Print for printing posters.
The exhibition is organized by Visarte Ticino, in partnership with the City of Locarno, and curated by Riccardo Lisi, Al Fadil and Cosimo Filippini.
Opening hours: from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 16:30, including holidays, until September 3, 2023
Information: | wa: +41 76 4391866 |
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