Woody Allen started working on his 50th movieand in a recent promotional interview, described the so-called “Abolition of Culture” “As the biggest idiot of the new generations.”
During a fascinating conversation with ABC Spain, the screenwriter and director delved into a variety of topics, from a stormy relationship with Mia Farrow to the decline of New York City, Who wants to retire? To his new movie set in Paris, in passing Also for the sad state of American cinema (“There are still some good movies out there, and there are always some great ones, But they seem to be much smaller than beforeIn all of this Woody Allen also comments on the abolition of culturewhich he describes as “ridiculous” and which he compares to McCarthyism that crept into American society in the 1950s:
“Well, you know, the human race has consistently acted stupidly throughout history. In this case, The abolition of culture is the fool of this generation. Sooner or later it will pass, we will look back and what happened after the McCarthy era will happen. We’ll be ashamed of it. And we’ll say to ourselves, ‘Oh my God, but were there people who actually did this, and were there other people who put up with it? Was he tolerant of dismissing teachers, discrediting scholars, blacklisting actors? It’s going to take people a while to realize that, but it’s It would happen. The example of McCarthyism seems excellent to me: everyone was referred to as a communist. If you listen to popular music, you are a communist. It was a completely ridiculous thing. And then, at some point, people realized that. Today there are actually a lot of people who are thinking Abolishing culture for what it is: embarrassment.“
What do you think that? Tell us in the comments. Remember that Woody Allen upcoming movie, It is currently known as “Wasp 22”will be filmed in French and feature in the cast Valerie Lemercier, Melville Popud, Niels Schneider, Elsa Zilberstein, Lou de Liege, Guillaume de Tonkedik and Gregory Gadebois, with Vittorio Storaro returning to collaborate with the author as director of photography.
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