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“They got stranded in the ocean while we did diving». Hawaii A nightmare for a couple on their honeymoon. The two decided to file a lawsuit against a local tour company, demanding $5 million in compensation.
Kidnapping of a bride from her family before marriage: forcing her to marry another man for $500,000
Hawaiian nightmare, abandoned couple in the ocean: what happened
Alexander Burkle and Elizabeth Webster went on a snorkeling trip to lanaia small island near Maui, in September 2021. Suddenly, as the sea began to narrow, the Maui Sailing Company boat disappeared: as the two reported Insiders. Realizing the boat had left, the couple tried to stay afloat and make distress signals, but ended up in deeper and more turbulent waters, according to documents they filed in court.
Fear of drowning
In the suit, they said the newlyweds “began to panic and struggle to survive in the ocean.” “They were afraid of drowning.” However, they eventually reach Lanai Beach “weary and dehydrated”. Webster tried to write “SOS” and “Help” in the sand, but no boats came to their rescue. Then the locals found it. They gave them water and allowed them to use their phones.
Jared Washkowitz, the couple’s attorney, told Insider that the tour company was unregulated and “didn’t give out pre-determined limits.” She also said the company made three calls to people who were snorkeling offshore, but never realized the pair were missing.
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