Municipal elections – Viterbo – Marini (FI) plays upbeat at meeting at the spa and winks at Lega but also Foundation and FdI – for now, nice words, but the distances are all
by Giuseppe Verlica
Viterbo – “There is scope for implementing joint programmes.” Speech by Giulio Marini. At yesterday morning’s meeting organized by Lega in Terme dei Papi, the Forza Italia Commissioner’s first interlocutors were the men of Senator Humberto Fusco. But he also faces the Brothers of Italy and the Establishment.
Talk to former allies, also front row with outgoing Mayor Giovanni Arena.
The event is public and the statements are adequate. Well, let’s forget the past and move on. On a Saturday goodwill and goodwill alike. Difficult to maintain. In light of the municipal elections, the center-right continues to run in no particular order. But also Forza Italia. There’s always a part, the part close to Romuli County Chief looking to the left of center.
Giulio Marini in the league match
“We still have margins of credibility – Marigny notes – to devise better programs to be shared.” There is a risk that the blue exponent will be glimpsed. “No to low-key populist sirens, we shouldn’t be infatuated.” Who knows to whom you refer.
Mauro Rutelli, Deputy FdI, also captures what is good. “This is a concrete room – as Rotelli explains – that contains everything. There are centre-right parties, and shared values and goals are expressed.”
An alliance, however, does not exist. Not only in Viterbo. “Nationally – recalls Rotelli – the options were different, but in the local area Lega, FdI and FI have made decisions together for years. In various municipalities, from Civita Castellana to Tarquinia, Vitorchiano with support in Fusco and Vetralla.
Mauro Rutelli in the league match
All important choices, sometimes lucky, others less or painful, like the county or municipality of Viterbo.”
There is a basis for action. “The center-right has different priorities than the center-left, which governs the region poorly.” True, but it’s like saying it’s cold in the winter and not in the summer. The foundations are there, it’s the house that can’t be seen at the moment.
No courtesy is spared for Fusco’s ‘owner’, Gianmaria Santucci (Foundation). “He attests – as Santucci identifies – that there may be moments of political difficulty, but that human relationship has never existed.” After all, rumors about rumors want him as a potential candidate, in the premise far from a step back on the part of Laura Allegrini, but the league disagrees (on both). Are you looking for the good?
Santochi in the league meeting
“We are an alliance close to 50% unanimously, moments of discussion have not been absent and will not be missing, but we need to work to find a synthesis.” Which does not appear now in sight. In fact, he wisely ignores critical issues. “Names and conventions – Santucci asserts – we have months ahead of us to deal with, and I won’t discuss them now.
But today an important step has been taken thanks to Fusco and his wisdom.”
There has been talk of a rapprochement between Lega and Forza Italia. In his speech, the Northern League senator does not talk about municipalities, but rather focuses on the internal dynamics of his party.
Stefano Evangelista and Elisa Separotti
It is up to Stefano Evangelista, Regional Director, to determine: “Many say, the League is in the center right and we don’t imagine ourselves elsewhere.” Alliance riders ala Viterbo, goodbye.
Meanwhile, for the duration of the meeting with Bagnai, various representatives toured and talked.
FdI mayor candidate Laura Allegrini may have had the opportunity to confront who, Lega and FI who were the first to not support it and Giovanni Arena to get more information on how it goes, who will end up with whom. Blessed is he if he can understand it.
Giuseppe Verlica
– Umberto Fusco: “The league is one, and whoever believes in it stays, otherwise they will return home”
March 27, 2022
Municipal elections 2022 … Articles
- “By nominating Laura Allegrini and let’s make the alliance…”
- “Don’t expect Roman blessings to succeed.”
- “Don’t expect Roman blessings to succeed.”
- “The league is one, and whoever believes in it will stay, or else he will return to his home.”
- FdI doesn’t think about it at all: “Allegrini is the correct name for center-right reunification” – FI-Lega Defrost Tests?
- Arena: “The entire center-right will present themselves with me as a candidate for mayor”
- Problems with university leadership I am not a candidate.
- Security in San Faustino, Frontini offers Martinengo and de Fusco
- Mario Mingoni, evidence of dialogue with the Democratic Party
- The Cursed Spring of the Center Right…
- “Francigena of the city is a gem to be preserved and appreciated, ready to invest in the community”
- “Absolute but professional and family obligations do not allow me to advance …”
- Press Laura Allegrini to take a step back
- Fusco turns the Draghi Alliance into Ursula…
- Wrapped right-of-center, Lega between FdI and Draghi Alliance in Viterbo
- Fusco: “I don’t think at all about the Draghi alliance…”
- Battistoni, Marini and Arena da Tajani to define Forza Italia alliances
- ‘A stifling city with internal party dynamics’
- Bagnaia was a municipality, she must return to have a strong voice
- The League was tried by the Draghi government in “Viterbo style” and the Democratic Party stalled
- Sgarbi: “Gabianelli is the main sponsor of Chiara” – Frontini replied: “We are the best sponsors for ourselves…”
- “The first obligation is to act, because the city is going through a crisis within a crisis”
- Frontini continues, Allegrini does not give up and Troncarelli thinks
- Vittorio Sgarbi: “Giancarlo Gabianelli is the main patron of Chiara Frontini”
- Luca Mattia Chiada is a candidate with Laura Allegrini
- Vittorio Sagarbi, Culture Adviser for Viterbo and Padua
- Laura Allegrini goes live and presents her menu
- Welcome to the beauty strategy, but we need a broader plan…
- “Psi-Pd, operating table before voting”
- Even the senators of the League are angry and Fusco is no exception…
- “The candidate of the League is Claudio Obertini, and no one else.”
- “I will be Viterbo’s beauty advisor”
- “Dear Frontini, you cannot close your eyes and not be clear about the rights of the LGBT community…”
- “I’m applying with Chiara Frontini”
- Center-right mayor candidate, opens crucial week…maybe
- Chiara Frontini has rejected the political proposals and will run on their lists.
- “A civilian roster to support Forza Italia, if you’re going to run alone”
- “We want to contribute as champions to the revival of Viterbo…”
- It is impossible to find a businessman running for mayor
- “We are renovating the walls and creating a pedestrian and bike path that goes around them.”
- “At this point we are talking to everyone, but there was no meeting with the left …”
- And now the Draghi Alliance is beginning to emerge, as the League looks to an alliance with the center-left
- “No, thanks Laura Allegrini, under these circumstances our name is Arena”
- “Laura Allegrini’s nomination is open to the coalition”.
- Improbable nominations… knowledge of requests… applications without their knowledge… applications for my youngsters…
- “Unifying the center-right under my candidacy is just science fiction.”
- Between Sabatini and Ubertini, Fratelli d’Italia’s choice is Allegrini … for now
- “Am I running for mayor? I rule out that there were any contacts or ways…”
- “Italy’s brothers and allies will be able to find a meeting point”
- La Liga, the embarrassment of FI and the silence of the institution
- “We restore dignity and decency to the historic center, and turn Viterbo into a true city of arts and culture…”
- “Sagarbi will be the best cultural advisor for Viterbo”
- “Well, an alluvial filter, alone is better than a bad one…”
- Laura Allegrini is the candidate for the mayor of the Brotherhood of Italy
- Vittorio Sgarbi: “I am not a candidate for mayor but I am to be Viterbo’s culture advisor”
- Emmanuel Ricucci: “I rule out the candidacy of Vittorio Sgarbi for mayor”
- “Putin turned to the right-wing Viterbo…”
- “Sarabbi is an added value, a welcome list”
- Mauro Rutelli is not a candidate, as the FdI thinks of a woman
- Vittorio Sgarbi takes the pitch in Viterbo
- We need a city that listens to students…
- We must render to society our beauty and goodness, like the Etruscans…
- What “connects” Luigi Tofoni with Chiara Frontini?
- Arena doesn’t leave but my husband and Romuli are working on a list…
- If you were a unionist…
- Donut instead of Julianelli?
- Chiara Frontini: “I am applying to lead the city”
- Quality and beauty must be introduced into the system, but how?
- De Carolis for FdI, in the Evangelical League but Merli in question, Delle Monache in the Democratic Party but not Serra
- I will demand immediate courage from the next mayor in the face of the first stumble
- The status ban has not yet been lifted in Forza Italia, the Democratic Party is looking for a candidate
- “In Viterbo we need a mayor, even a mayor who only responds to the citizens…”
- “In Viterbo we need a mayor, even a mayor who only responds to the citizens…”
- “In Viterbo we need a mayor, even a mayor who only responds to the citizens…”
- The mayor wanted… Diogenes would be needed
- Lively and lively city, creative city, attractive city, open to the world
- “There is no left or right, the important thing is to give answers to the citizens”
- “List of the right people, Giorgio Dino is a good candidate”
- In a city like Viterbo, the central idea of the right to work and work as a culture must be reasserted…
- “Small villages are not second-class lands, we will act immediately to provide answers to the citizens”
- Viterbo cannot and must not succumb to regression, we must give life to our city
- Rotelli or Ubertini, a decision on the league must be made by the end of the month
- “Casa Viterbo will be home to one of the city’s future electors.”
- The team play and the quality of the players on the field must be reconstructed…
- Viterbo 2020, a sticker ripped and written on another with a hammer and sickle
- Surprise! From FdI you can see Matteo Achilli and see Marcello Meroi again…
- Viterbo must light up from the inside with his own energy
- Doubts of the Democratic Party, fears of Forza Italia and doubts of the center-right …
- “Democratic Party Goes Its Way As It Discusses Potential Alliances”
- To revive Viterbo, a coherent majority is needed in the city government…
- Kalinda: “In the municipality we think of the candidate”
- “Our domain is in the center right, otherwise you can look elsewhere…”
- We must listen to the cry of pain Viterbo asks us for salvation…
- We are transforming the historical center into a wedding party, which can only be reached by environmentally friendly public transport …
- “If Forza Italia returns to the right of center, with a bitter taste in my mouth I will respect that choice”
- The mayor candidate does not exist but Marco Sorba and Linda Natalini have been seen
- Desperately looking for candidates for mayor with a decent political level, but also ideas …
- “My task is to rebuild the center-right…the alliance with the Democratic Party does not exist”
“Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst.”