It is scheduled for March 3, 2022 a Science City With an inaugural event, the launch of the project “Παιδεία (Paideia) Training Days (A) on Sustainable DevelopmentWhich arises from awareness gained in fieldwork of the importance of knowing, disseminating and practicing the ideas and objectives behind it2030 Agenda. Knowing for the sake of definition is the guiding principle of this project divided into two months (March and April 2022) and various activities targeting local stakeholders and the community at large.
Driven by a strong spirit of participation and collaboration, the project lays its foundations in pursuit of its realization Target 17 (Partnership of Objectives) Thanks to the agreement between the various public and private bodies. The program focuses its activities from Thursday to Sunday, moving along two lines of action: Conferences and Seminars, which focus on Thursdays and Fridays and primarily target local stakeholders; The activities of the workshop, scheduled on Saturday and Sunday, are aimed at families and the educated community. The section dedicated to conferences and seminars welcomes many core topics related to2030 Agenda Such as food security, bees, biodiversity, ecosystem protection, gender equality, human, animal, plant and environmental health. The learning-by-doing workshops focus on first-hand knowledge of the world of bees, fish, dairy, sea and soil, natural pigments and virtual systems.
The Professor Ricardo VillariPresident Science City He declared: “For the duration of the project, the exhibition ‘Agenda 2030’ will be displayed on the ground floor of the Corporea Museum, consisting of 18 panels illustrating the goals and objectives of the most complex and tangible sustainable development program implemented in 2015 by 193 countries in United nations. Information and education on this issue are fundamental to making all citizens able to act responsibly for environmental safety, economic sustainability and creating a just society for current and future generations.”
Raphael BuffCervene Technical Director: “This is a training and information event targeting all age groups, with the aim of sustainable prevention and in line with the principles of the 2030 Agenda. Cervene is a regional hub for prevention and emergency management from a health perspective. Climate change will create greater risks for catastrophic emergencies. We need To raise awareness and respond as citizens at this time.” On Saturdays and Sundays, the exhibition will be animated by an interactive lab called “Sustainability and Practice!” where the 17 goals will be explored starting with the story “Anna and Mary” told in the comic of the name Himself and edited by Cervene.