Home science Women in Science: Draghi and Paris visit the nuclear physics labs in Gran Sasso today | The latest news from Abruzzo

Women in Science: Draghi and Paris visit the nuclear physics labs in Gran Sasso today | The latest news from Abruzzo

Women in Science: Draghi and Paris visit the nuclear physics labs in Gran Sasso today |  The latest news from Abruzzo

L’Aquila – The day of the Prime Minister’s upcoming visit to the nuclear physics laboratories has arrived in Gran Sasso de Asergi, a small village in L’Aquila. Mario Draghiwho will visit the underground chambers where experiments are taking place, accompanied by the Nobel Prize in Physics, Giorgio Baresi. A visit to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. In the laboratories there are 15 experiments under construction, and there are about 1,110 scientists from 29 countries. And 30% of the scientists are women who are responsible for most of the active experiments at the moment.

“I want to join the celebrations for the International Day of Women and the Girl in Science, and this Wednesday I will be with Nobel Laureate Giorgio Baresi at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory to meet with many workers and thank them for their commitment,” said the Prime Minister.

Draghi will arrive around ten in the morning and will be welcomed by the director of laboratories, Ezio Previtali, And by the head of the Infn, Antonio Zucoli. Immediately after 11.15, the Prime Minister will move abroad, to the headquarters of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Asirji, where he will meet with representatives of local institutions, the head of the region, Marco Marcello, Mayor of L’Aquila, Pierluigi Biondi, Parliamentarians and Senators, Governor of L’Aquila, Cinzia Toraco The scientific community advocates for Abruzzo.

During the meeting, the president of Infn Zoccoli, the scientist Parisi and Lucia Futano The former Director of the Gran Sasso National Laboratories from 2009 to 2012 and finally President Draghi will speak at the end of the event.

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