Remember a video Gal Gadot and other stars sing Imagine Common during the first months of the pandemic? Well, how can you forget about it and you are right. and not evenWonder Woman translator He forgot about it, and now he’s commenting on the controversy it made.
Not everyone liked Gal Gadot’s video In March 2020, when the epidemic is at its peak here in Europe, The actress decided to record a “star” version of Imagine, inspired by the Italians who flocked to the balconies to express solidarity with each other through music.
But the song choice, like we said, was rather unfortunateThis was followed by a lot of negative comments.
“I don’t usually take myself seriously“Now the miracle actress comments”And with all the controversy about Imagine, it’s funny, because I called Kristen Wiig and said “Listen, I’d like to do this thing.” The epidemic reached Europe and Israel before it reached us in the United States, and I imagined the direction it would take. But the video was too early“.
“I didn’t have the right timing, and it wasn’t the right thing to do. It was in bad taste. The intentions were pure, but sometimes you can’t get it right, right?Gadot concluded.
“Lifelong beer expert. General travel enthusiast. Social media buff. Zombie maven. Communicator.”