Home Tech Slow or never arriving emails? Apple has the solution to this problem, but you really would never guess it

Slow or never arriving emails? Apple has the solution to this problem, but you really would never guess it

Slow or never arriving emails?  Apple has the solution to this problem, but you really would never guess it
Slow mail, how to solve it – iPaddisti.it

Over the years, remote or web-based jobs have increased exponentially, which is why professional communication has also undergone changes, with an emphasis on the exchange of emails.

Emails allow written and verifiable information to be exchanged at any time but often, even if sent immediately, some devices struggle to receive notifications quickly, which causes great inconvenience.

If you work via smartphone or have to travel a lot and can’t afford a full workstation, rReceive all communications in real time Or in a matter of minutes is really a basic need because a simple email can change the course of the day.

Whether you expect a confirmation of an appointment, a quote, or a simple password change, it actually doesn’t matter, with the Internet being ubiquitous and with the latest generation of smartphones, email reception is expected to work properly, so why so often on the iPhone does Users reporting slowdowns or annoyances in this regard?

The main causes can be resolved very easily by making some changes in the settings, first of all”Power saving mode“Which ought to be so disabled In the event that important messages are expected, in fact with this phone mode Reduces the frequency of background updates to save battery.

How to solve the problem of not receiving emails

to make sure you get it Emails in real timeor approximately, you have to go to Settings – Mail – Account – “Download new data”, here you will have two options: fetch and pay. With the fetch mode, you can specify the number of minutes the phone will need to download emails from the server, while the push option provides instant download of emails, which will instantly appear available in your email inbox.

How to send emails to iPhone – iPaddisti.it (Source: freepik)

If the problem is not receiving emails however Not sending notifications, you can follow this guide: Settings – Notifications – Mail – “Allow Notifications”. This will allow you to receive notifications for every email received, with the ability to customize the notification to your liking.

Thanks to all these tips, you will finally be able to use Apple’s email services by getting rid of the old and traditional ones, while also taking into account the latest updates Anti-phishingand possibilities wipe up email and by Program it Send, two modes implemented with iOS16.


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