Home Economy Mazda, the Japanese don’t give up: two new turbocharged SUVs If you don’t want electrics, this is the right choice

Mazda, the Japanese don’t give up: two new turbocharged SUVs If you don’t want electrics, this is the right choice

Mazda, the Japanese don’t give up: two new turbocharged SUVs If you don’t want electrics, this is the right choice

Whoever lasts, wins: They must think so at Mazda. If, from a software and structural point of view, a new gem in SUV mode is about to arrive that we will hear about it.

the SUV It is without a doubt the car par excellence that best represents our era, no matter what Motors specific. Mazda In this sense, it is aimed at more enemy.

In Japan they are convinced of themselves expectations Planning: And so, at home Mazda Ready with these two new SUV models b Turbo diesel: big real substitute to Electrical engine.

If choose sustainability And priority Electricity will therefore be the future, in light of the structural problems e logistics These days, she has one exit strategy is necessary.

If the temperatures don’t last (but will they?), we might as well consider a middle ground, so to speak: for Madza and the Turbo diesel.

Mazda, the big news is the alternative

What they intend to pursue at Madza is a process of transformation that takes root through CX 60 con one disparity About it in optics diesel. but how? Let’s see it.

Mazda Motorzoom
Mazda Motorzoom

A compromise between the situation RWD and AWDfor a vehicle model that is completely reliable on any road and road course maybe And can be imagined.

highway, extra urban, Urban: No differences: the new SUV from Madza They will have to ensure stability, tightness, good performance and low consumption by taking a lot of them my little sister.

Also from a purely aesthetic point of view: inspiration from the most popular plug-in hybrid of the Madza house is also the focal point of some variants of the genre advanced technology.

Madza: SUVs arrive earlier tomorrow

After all, at home Madza All their lives they have sought some kind of differentiation from every point of view, with ideas and innovations They always know how to look for a third way structural.

Mazda 2 - Motorzoom
Mazda 2 – Motorzoom

Moreover, the real alternative is the one that allows you to choose something different without cutting anything in terms of Claims. and in suggestionsIn this case, too, they seem to have hit the mark.

Studies and specifications specialists It leads us to think, for example, of a predicate that seems to place emphasis on one of them big drop consumption compared to the conventional thermal system.

Less consumption but more efficiency, with emissions Carbon Dioxide But they are among 128 and 139 g / km. No small novelty: and they are, precisely, at Madza’s house, looking with farsightedness and optimism.


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