Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Football Shock: The owner of a large company is under investigation for torture and kidnapping

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Really exciting news regarding the president of a very popular and powerful football team. There are incredible accusations that can change everything.

There really is no end to the incredible and insane, even in the world of sports. Especially in socceran activity that has now moved away from the simple concept of a sports game and has become the potential for profit and profit at very high levels.

Shock fans – Tennispress.it

The latest news, which is about international football, is so exciting that it has left many fans and enthusiasts speechless. the president One of the strongest and richest clubs in Europe accusations shocking characters.

We are talking about Nasser Al-Khulaifia Qatari-born entrepreneur who was the chairman and sponsor of a company Paris Saint-Germainthe wealthy French team that has dominated the international transfer market and the Ligue 1 championship for years.

Very serious accusations against Al-Khulaifi: his Algerian opponent denounced him in France

So businessman and manager Nasser Al-Khelaifi must defend himself against very serious accusations that risk undermining his image as president of football and his personal affairs. practically accused b Kidnapping and torture Against the Algerian lobby Al-Tayyib bin Abdul Rahman.

The latter denounced the sponsor of Paris Saint-Germain for committing these illegal violent acts against him. as it relates the teamthe well-known French sports newspaper, has appointed three investigative judges in Paris who will look into Ben Abdelrahman’s allegations on Monday.

Where do the allegations against you come from? Nasser Al-Khulaifi? It appears that lobbyist Ben Abdel Rahman filed a complaint a few months ago. In the stories told by the investigators, the Algerian revealed that he was first kidnapped, then taken against his will to a secluded place and Maltreatment By order of Al-Khulaifi himself.

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President of Paris Saint-Germain Al-Khelaifi – Tennispress.it

All this happened, according to the newspaper’s reconstruction, in 2020 in Qatar, the country of origin of the Al-Khulaifi family. Maybe bin Abdul Rahman He was in possession of information relating to the illegal trafficking of the PSG president, in particular for Customization of the 2022 World Cup to Qatar.

This is how Ben Abdel Rahman presented it, as explained by the media in France Complaint with a civil partyFrench law allows for a judicial investigation of alleged crimes. His lawyers, Maître Romain Ruiz and Gabriel Wegnar, said they were “very satisfied” with the news after spending months trying to bring the case to the attention of French justice.

Al-Khulaifi and other questionable issues of his work

Personality still shrouded in mystery and oft talked about personality Nasser Al-Khulaifi. The Paris Saint-Germain sponsor, with his past as a professional tennis player, is often discussed for the large sum his company is investing in the transfer market.

over the years Paris Saint-Germain She spent tons of Euros to promote herself, buying among other items such as Neymar, Messi and MbappeAll cost ranges from price tag and payroll numbers to many zeros. However, UEFA, which should oversee European football’s expenditures through financial fair play, has always allowed Al-Khelaifi and his company to do so freely.

Furthermore, there had been discussion for some time about his possible participation in the assignment tender World Cup 2022He just went to Qatar. Allegations of corruption in this sense are still being discussed by the competent authorities.

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Thalia Twitty
Thalia Twitty
"Alcohol enthusiast. Twitter ninja. Tv lover. Falls down a lot. Hipster-friendly coffee geek."
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