Mantua Mantuan amateur football enters 2023: halfway through the tournament, balance sheets concern results, but also sports politics.
There are many unknowns that weigh on the movement. First of all, the reform of the “sporting factor” which, although correct in some areas, risks bringing to its knees the majority of amateur clubs (not only football), as well as the immediate abolition of restrictions: the immediate entry into force was postponed by the subsequent government extension to 30 June. But a big question mark is also the problems with energy costs, precisely in the year of final restart of our amateur football after the pandemic, which can only be solved in the medium term by smart investments by businesses and municipalities. We talked about this and much more with Crl’s Mantua Regional Council member, Paola Rasori, who has always been a point of reference in Milan for our companies.
“The nature of the sports factor, as a rule, can be fatal for many clubs,” Rasori explains. It is unreasonable to risk paying contributions even to real volunteers, who often lend their work for free. The desire to introduce more bureaucracy, beyond costs, is a stretch that could alienate the already few remaining executives.”
Even on the bond, which was recently fixed at 24, in the months of non-compliance (until June), mediation will be sought that might lead to a fair corporate solution: “In the event that the bond disappears – as Rasori notes – it will also be necessary to reconsider Complete in the rules for youth: which company will have the greatest incentive to develop the youth sector at the risk of losing the best every year without any consideration?” These will be some of the topics of the mid-term meeting to be held on January 14, when President Carlo Tavecchio will hear the opinion of the companies In terms of tournaments, however, after last year’s resumption, the old formats are back basically without a hitch: «Fortunately, things went smoothly in the first round, with a one-day postponement at provincial level due to bad weather – says the adviser. Presenting the activities of the representatives, who returned after the cessation of the virus, at the regional and interregional levels. The last stages of the regional championship will be held this year in Veneto and Piedmont: it will be an interesting show for young players ».
As far as results are concerned, the team is in the highest category, Eccellenza dwindled to Castiglione alone. Football after all lives in cycles: “We hope to restore Promozione’s parity in the second leg, there is potential to do well”. Rasori’s point is female activism: «In this category, we have only one standard-bearer, Casalmartino, who has settled with distinction after a triumphant tournament in promotion. Let’s hope that in the future there will also be another beautiful reality like the red and green one. It will be important for girls who want to start their careers as footballers.”
Finally, we said, decoupling energy: «Even in the management of sports facilities there are great difficulties with billing, costs have increased – continues Rasori -. The situation is difficult, because the bill must be paid today, and solutions can instead be addressed in the medium term: in recent weeks we have presented some important photovoltaic projects. A path that some facts can take ».