Home science IIS Alessandrini-Marino, scholarships for the day dedicated to science – ekuonews.it

IIS Alessandrini-Marino, scholarships for the day dedicated to science – ekuonews.it

IIS Alessandrini-Marino, scholarships for the day dedicated to science – ekuonews.it

Teramo – The “Alessandrini Marino” Higher Education Institute of Teramo organized last Thursday a day dedicated to science, in collaboration with Prof. Ivano Sansonetti which saw Daniele participate as a speaker de grottolaAssociate Professor of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics at the University of Salerno.

In the event, a live broadcast on the Institute’s YouTube channel, thanks to the cooperation of the professors. Septimus steel and Alfredo percentageStudents and teachers participated in 4A MAT, 4AI, and 3AE classes at the institute.

After greeting the principal of the school, Dr. Manuela divider, who sincerely thanked Prof. de Grottola for accepting the invitation to take part in the event, the speaker took the floor. First of all, the university professor specified that in recent years he has been a guest of the Institute several times as a contact person for the Extreme Energy Events (EEE) project, a project proposed by Professor Antonino Zecchi and coordinated by the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) and by the Fermi Center in Rome in collaboration With several Italian universities including the University of Salerno where he works. Then talk about it.”Maximum Energy Events: Cosmic Rays and Science in Young Hearts“, specifying that the EEE project aims to detect cosmic muons (particles that come from space, ed.) and that it is based on the Multigap Resistive Plate Chambers technology, a detector widely used in particle physics experiments, installed in about 60 Italian schools including The Institute of Ismaili Studies Alessandrini Marino in Teramo The detection of cosmic muons is used to obtain information on various physical topics, such as antimatter, dark matter, activity of celestial bodies, etc. The detectors were built and operated by participating high school students in collaboration with researchers The project and this was a successful challenge.In fact, the project, which was launched in 2004, with the participation of 7 schools, currently sees the participation of about 100 schools, of which approximately 60 are equipped with particle detectors (the so-called “telescope”, as it is called in Schools,).He also emphasized that communication with students, who are doing real research activities, greatly satisfies the insiders.In fact, some of these students, after their participation in the project, have enrolled in the degree course in Physics and others are currently working in their research groups.

At the end of the event, a scholarship award ceremony was held for the academic year. 2021/2022, to be assigned by the Institute to the most deserving students and graduates as part of the project to promote excellence envisaged in the Training Offer Scheme. Dr. Manuela divider She congratulated the students and alumni on the excellent results achieved, and conveyed the greetings and congratulations of the Regional Councilor for Education Pietro Quaresimale, who was unable to participate due to unforeseen institutional commitments.

Here are the names of the awardees and their categories: Emmanuel Olga (2G), Federico He knows everything (2E) Albert Gabriel Antonini (3e), Christian Ranali (4 am) Niccolo broccolini (4BE), Alexis Francis (5AE), Christian Sabatini (3D), Mahim Hassan (4B MAT) and Anna Cameon (5d). These are, however, the award-winning alumni: Alessandro Angelini and Luke by julian (voted 100/100 summa cum laude) Gabriel batistiniAndrew Maximus Hey, youMarcellus CipolonePierluigi D’EgidioMatteo by DamienTitian FrancisGianluca dimarzioDavid Lazarini and Frederick Simone (score 100/100).

The event and award ceremony can be watched on the Institute’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/iistaram or using the link https://youtu.be/pXb-l8MIEMYAngelo DiCarlo


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