(ANSA) – NEW YORK, Aug. 13 – After seven years, John Baptiste has left The Late Show. This was announced by Steve Colbert during an episode of his nightly talk show. The award-winning musician and composer will dedicate himself to his personal and professional interests.
“We’ve been fortunate – said Colbert – to have a front row seat for the past seven years because of John’s incredible talent. Will we miss you? A guest on your next hit album.”
He will be replaced by Portuguese-born multi-instrumentalist Luis Cato, who previously served as temporary conductor this summer. “Lewis – continues Colbert – did a good job this summer and because he’s such a humble person he wouldn’t admit it. But I say it, he’s a musical genius, he can basically play any instrument. Give him an afternoon and he’ll know how to play Mozart to the fullest.” (Dealing).
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