Sales of securities in the banking sector continued: BancoBPM and BPER Banca both declined. The Euro rose again to $1.005 after hitting the record level.
The main indices of the Italian Stock Exchange and the main European financial markets They record differences across regions. Pierre Verrett, ActivTrades Technical Analyst, reported that the Stoxx-50 index continues to trade within the 200-point range, and is currently close to an important support area.
It’s 4.40 pm FTSEMib It lost 0.46% to 21.468 points after fluctuating between a minimum of 21,285 points and a maximum of 21,489 points. At the same time FTSE Italia all participated It decreased by 0.42%. Also minus sign for FTSE Italia medium hat (-0.15%) for The star of FTSE Italia (-1.3%).
The BTP-Bund spread It shrank to 205 points after the yield on Italian 10-year bonds fell below 3.2%.
The Bitcoin Nearly $20,000 (just under 19,500 euros).
L ‘euro It rose to $1.005 after hitting the level.
Saipem Still suspended due to excess of decline, after recording a theoretical decline of 43.8%. The engineering company announced that the offer of a capital increase option ended with the subscription of approximately 70% of the new shares offered, with a total value of 1.4 billion euros. Saipem confirmed that the €2 billion deal is fully secured.
More sales on banking sector stocks.
negative direction of Paper Bank (From -2.84% to €1.4005, after a pause due to the downside bypass). Very bad BancoBPM (-3.08%) e UniCredit (-2.22%).
In FTSEMib performed Leonardo (+3.1% up to €10,315). Moody’s improved the airline’s outlook, moving it from “stable” to “positive”. The decision reflects the operational performance recorded by the company in the past two years and the favorable prospects for the reference sector. Experts confirmed the rating at “Ba1”.
in difficulty Telecom Italia TIM (-3.23%).
first industries Records an increase of 17.1% to €21.95. The STAR-listed company announced that at the end of June, Alpha Private Equity Funds Management and Peninsula Investments signed separate non-binding expressions of interest with some of the group’s shareholders to purchase Prima Industrie shares, a transaction that could grant rise to the subsequent launch of a mandatory takeover offer. In the letter, an amount equal to €25 per share is indicated as the potential purchase price, which is the same for all shareholders of the company, compared to €18.74 at the closing price on Monday, July 11, 2022.
Andy Renzo Leaves 13.9% on the floor at €0.624. The company executed the power of attorney relating to the increase in the paid-up capital for a total amount of up to 59,625,000 euros. The transaction provides for the issuance of a maximum of 112,500,000 ordinary shares to be offered as an option to shareholders at a ratio of one new share for each ordinary share owned at a unit price of €0.53.
Strong fluctuations in Euronext’s growth in Milan yes (suspended due to excessive deflection). innovatek (+2.11% for 1,932 euros) announced that it had bought 29.58% of ESI’s capital. The agreed amount is equal to 6.5 million euros, to be paid for 4.5 million euros in cash and the remaining 2 million euros through Innovatec shares. The share price of ESI is set at €3.145.