At Città della Scienza, Tuesday, June 21, 2022, from 2:30 pm, in the Newton Room, in an event promoted by ASI – the Italian Space Agency, ESA – the European Space Agency and the Idis-Città della Scienza Foundation, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with the European Space Agency . Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti is in direct contact from the International Space Station but also – with qualified guests from the worlds of business, research and education – a moment to reflect on the future and opportunities of the aviation sector.
The event, which will be broadcast live on the channels ASI (www.asitv.it) and Città della Scienza (https://www.facebook.com/cittadellascienza), will feature the Institutions’ greetings from Riccardo Villari, President of the Eds City Foundation for Science; Gaetano Manfredi, mayor of Naples and Vincenzo de Luca, president of the Campania region, were invited.
Samantha Cristoforetti’s speech live from the International Space Station, which will answer questions from students, educators and business people, will take place while the International Space Station is flying over Europe and will last about 20 minutes.
The meeting will be concluded with three graceful round tables.
At the beginning, “Choose a space for your future. Career opportunities in the aviation sector”, will be attended by Luigi Carino, Head of the Aerospace Region of Campania, among others; Francesco Ponzo, Ali Scarl; Vincenzo Giorgio, CEO of ALTEC; Gabriel Brandi, Marketing Director of Argotec and Marco Brancati, Head of Technology and Innovation at Telespazio, one of the main industrial companies in the sector, engaged in various capacities with experiments, dispatch of technological components, etc. On the Minerva mission on the International Space Station.
The second is entitled “Aerospace Research: Sector of Excellence”, and aims to invite young people to choose careers in the aviation sector through the degrees of Giovanna Aron, Professor of Botany at Federico II University of Naples; Raffaele Savino, Coordinator of Degree Programs in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II and Raffaele Uccelli, President of the Euroavian Student Association of Naples.
Finally, the agreement between ASI and the nonprofit street teachers will be presented with their president Cesar Moreno with “Space Enters School to Combat Educational Fragility”; and “Climate Investigators” activity carried out – as part of the ESERO program that proposes a student research project on climate, with expert assistance, and educational resources developed by ASI and ESA – by teachers Rosanna Busiello and Leandro D’Anna, of ITI Barsanti and Sabrina Nappi and Mario Di Fonza, from Isis Europa from Pomigliano d’Arco.
Participation is free upon registration.
For information and reservations
phone. 081 7352.222
Email: contact@cittadellascienza.it