Home World The pilot feels bad, the passenger lands the plane: listen to the sound

The pilot feels bad, the passenger lands the plane: listen to the sound

The pilot feels bad, the passenger lands the plane: listen to the sound

A passenger with no flying experience managed to land a small plane after the pilot fell ill.

The emergency occurred in the skies over Florida, for an amphibious aircraft flying between the Bahamas and Palm Beach. In the audio clip published by various US newspapers, the passenger on board the Cessna 208 Caravan (from Flight ID) can be heard N333LDrepeated several times in the voice), calling the watchtower.

“There is a dangerous situation here – he says – My plane is not per se. I have no idea how to fly an airplane“.

At that point, Robert Morgan, the flight controller, began giving instructions on how to land the plane. “Try to keep the wings flat – you hear it in the sound – and try to go down. Push the yoke forward and go down slowly.”

Apparently, the passenger followed the instructions without panicand eventually managed to land the plane at Palm Beach International Airport.

“Congratulations to the new pilot,” the watchtower commented.