Home Top News All the branches of the ‘Ndrangheta’ between the continents are here

All the branches of the ‘Ndrangheta’ between the continents are here

All the branches of the ‘Ndrangheta’ between the continents are here

“Capillary proliferation across national borders”, drug trafficking, anti-mafia law and “loose meshes” of financial institutions abroad and “tax havens” overseas. The sprawling global ‘Ndrangheta’ emerges from Dia’s last six-month report for confirmation and plastic, which “accurately” maps “the dynamics of feeding the Calabrian gangs’ world-leading transaction industry into drug trafficking. .

Transnational dynamics

Thea first outlines the general context. “Overall, the Italian organized crime has been confirmed as one of the key global players, showing a clear economic-entrepreneurial profession, with a flexible organizational structure that does not affect the inseparable historical connection with the territory of origin. ‘Is very clear, precisely because of the privileged relationships established with drug manufacturers in Latin America, which has created the role of world “leader”. Is able to take advantage of the opportunities offered by territories, and favors the establishment of regulatory bodies with “big meshes” in adopted states and easily reinvest illegal capital. Lets do. The corruption scandal that erupted in the “All World One Nation” operation is significant, showing the ability of criminal units to obtain unauthorized approvals to carry out mining operations in Ivory Coast. Another indication related to the ability of associations to expand their sphere of influence abroad is the long-term inactivity of Calabrian bosses outside our country, which demonstrates the widespread spread of ‘entrangata’ across national borders. In this regard, on May 24, 2021, along with a member of the Volpiano Club in Joao Pessoa, Brazil, Interpol and Brazilian boss Rocco Morabido were arrested by Carbinieri in an operation carried out by the Brazilian police. Is exemplary. In 2017 the boss was discovered by a carabiner with the operational support of DCSA at Ponta del Este in Uruguay and was apprehended by local police. However, in 2019, he was able to escape shortly after the Italian extradition request was accepted by the Uruguayan Criminal Court.

rocco-morabito- arrested
The boss is said to be Rocco Morabido at the time of his last arrest

Business on the Old Continent

The “radars” of anti-mafia investigators have been monitoring Ndrangheta’s presence in much of Europe. In Spain – Thea further writes – “Calabrian organized crime” has begun a deadly operation of using drug-trafficking criminals’ solid links with criminal organizations to negotiate a drug deal: Molo 13 “results in action against the Clas clan. Cardavalle. “Another aspect involving Calabrian ‘Entrine in Spanish territory is related to the laundering of illicit money and aid to subsidiaries”, as can be seen from the arrest of a member of the Romeo Stoche de Barcelona. The San Luca clan has been added to the Interior Ministry’s list of dangerous fugitives. In France, Ndrangheta has, above all, chosen C டிte d’Azur as its settlement, which is central to the affairs of sects such as the Raso-Gulles-Albanese clan of Novgorod. The United Kingdom is also interested in “various domestic mafias that infiltrate the British economic structure, exploit the revenues of investment and money laundering activities, and exploit the vulnerabilities and peculiarities of Anglo-Saxon corporate law”. Operation “Rinascita Scott” enabled many of the recycling operations carried out by the Mancuso di Limbadi clan in the United Kingdom. Furthermore, other intelligence operations have already uncovered Ndrangheta’s involvement in some recycling operations, carried out by UK-based companies using so-called “Chinese boxes”. Another site of Calabrian thigh migration is Belgium, where “Entrangata exploits the port of Antwerp, using international intermediaries to pave the way for large-scale narcotics smuggling into Europe from all over South America.” The same dynamics of the port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands: “Ndrangheta, with the most active criminal organization and most affiliates in the Netherlands to date – Thea – is dedicated primarily to drug trafficking activities. Recycling”. The ‘Enclave’ of Entrain, apparently represented by the Germans: the Romeo-Belle-Votari and Nirda-Strancio de San Luca clans, was able to penetrate further into the German economy. In a concentrated way over territory through a system, it is characterized by wide margins of functional autonomy, although it is gradually connected to the origin land. This modernized structure, but at the same time intertwined with the cornerstone of its origins, is one of the major criminal subjects today, managing to give life to many economic sectors, especially the catering sector, involving a sector of illegal activities. Are recycled. This enables huge revenues from drug trafficking and the inaction of related subjects requested by Italian and foreign authorities. The presence of ‘Ndrangheta’ in Austria, the Czech Republic and especially in the Slovak Republic, which has since been “blocked”, emphasizes its territory – Thea – represents an “economic liberalization” an opportunity for “Calabrian clans” to launch economic activities, thanks to the opening of new trade exchange channels. Over the years, Vibonese associations have become more complex. It was able to make huge profits through recycling and fraudulent activities, which saw the biggest casualties in the banking sector, as well as stepping into the agri-food sector. ‘Ndrangheta’s presence in Romania, mainly active in the field of financial crimes, is, above all, linked to the existence of the Grande Aragris clan, a criminal association closely integrated into Romania’s economic structure, but not only. Regio clans also seem to be interested in exploiting Roman territory through the “Platinum Dia” operation. Then there is – according to Dia’s analysis – the island of Malta, which, “thanks to its strategic position in the Mediterranean and its absolutely favorable and almost bureaucratic tax regime, represents an ideal environment for criminal organizations”.

‘Ndrangheta beyond Europe

In non-European areas of Thea, ‘Ndrangheta has been found in the United States and has settled in Canada, especially in the Toronto and Thunder Bay areas. Entrangata’s hierarchical-mafia system was recognized for the first time with all the “regular” attributes). “The presence of the Italian mafia in Canada – recalling Dia – dramatically manifested itself through the Commission on Gruesome Homicides, the last time another man’s brother was transferred there in July 2020 against a leading member of the ‘Ndrangheta’ family. Murdered in 2017. Not to mention Australia and Latin America. “Italian mafias, in the process of camouflaging in the presence of large-scale comrades, were able to start the drug trade and develop their illegal activities … in this lucrative smuggling. The criminal – Dia explains – plays a leading role ‘Ndrangheta, thanks to its alliance with the Mexican narcotics, manages relations between the major continents between the United States and Europe, and subsequently European trade. ([email protected])


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