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Massacre among pilgrims traveling to Mecca. More than 300 Egyptians died due to the extreme heat

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At least 323 Egyptian pilgrims died due to the heat while performing the Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Two Arab diplomats coordinating their countries’ responses informed the agencies about this. One said: “Everyone died from the heat,” except for one person who was fatally injured during a minor crowd stampede […]

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at least 323 Egyptian pilgrims They died of heat during Hajj Makkah, in KSA. They report this to the agencies Two Arab diplomats Who coordinate their countries’ responses. “Everyone died from the heat,” except one who reported it Fatal injuries during crushing of a small crowdOne of the diplomats said that the total amount came from the hospital morgue in the Al-Muaisem district of Mecca. In recent days, dozens of casualties have been recorded among pilgrims, due to temperatures approaching 50 degrees, especially among those coming from Iran and Jordan.

The journey to Mecca is one of the five pillars of Islam and all Muslims who have the means must celebrate it at least once in their lives. This year they are participating virtually this year 1.8 million believers. Many rituals are performed in the fresh air And on foot, which creates special challenges among the elderly. Saudi Arabia has put in place measures to mitigate the heat, including air-conditioned areas, water distribution and advice to pilgrims on how to protect themselves from the sun. The Saudi army has deployed More than 1600 people With specific medical units and 30 emergency response teams and pilgrims Drink plenty of water and protect yourself from the sun. At least 240 people died during the Hajj season last year, most of them from Indonesia, according to data announced by several countries.

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